A++ Superior Stuffing Balls

OK so these Stuffing Balls might be a bit conceited, they can’t help it I guess….. There are some recipes and sides which Sue continues to revisit and improve, these are usually better replacements for their Gluten containing counterparts. Stuffing balls are on the list.

When we had our Seafood Fest a couple of nights ago we soaked too many Chickpeas so in the food processor they went!


3 Sliced of Gluten free bread, wuzzed up
1 Cup (Mug) of Chickpeas, soaked, boiled and drained
1 Onion, finely diced
The Zest of a Lemon
1 Egg
Dried Parsley
Dried Sage
Dried Rosemary
Dried Thyme
Salt & Petter


(1) Sautee the Onions in a little Margarine.
(2) Add the dried Herbs.
(3) Simmer for 10 minutes
(3) Wuzz the Chickpeas and Bread together.
(4) Mix the Onions, Lemon Zest in with the Bread crumbs and Chickpeas in a mixing bowl.
(5) Season with Salt & Pepper and mix well.
(6) Allow to cool and then mix in the Egg.
(7) Form into balls and pop in the oven with your roast spuds etc.
(8) After 10 minutes brush with the remaining Margarine from the pan and cook for a further 10 minutes to brown.

This made quite a large batch of Stuffing Balls some of which we had with our roast Chicken dinner. The remaining ones are in the fridge, but they won’t last long as they are really good cold…..