Beef Korfa recipe


We had some frozen Turkey Thigh curry in the freezer and about 150g of frozen  minced Beef which was left from an 800g value pack. So we though we might have a go at Kofta and Sue's Onion Bhajis. Add a bit of rice and some shop bought poppadoms and you've got a pretty convincing fakeaway, as they call them!
The previous recipes are here:-  (They open in a new window so you can flip back and forth)
Turkey Thigh Curry
Onion Bhajis
150g minced beef
1tsp Turmeric
1tsp Garlic salt
1tsp Mint
1tsp Chilli flakes
a little oil to fry
(1) Mix all the ingredients and allow to infuse in the fridge for an hour.
(2) Form into sausage shape by hand
(3) Fry in a little oil turning so the Kofta are browned on all sides.
Serve as a starter alone or with a curry, it's entirely up to you.