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Mung Bean and Ox Heart Casserole

Mung Bean and Ox Heart Casserole

Ox Heart is really not a cut of meat we would generally even think about. But in yellow sticker land this pack was 33p and there’s nothing that we’ve not been able to make a good meal from with a bit of planning and time. Although it is spring now this Casserole would make a very tasty ‘Winter Warmer’ and would easily feed a family of four for less than £2 – Which even by our standards is pretty good going…...


425g Chopped Ox Heart
Plain Flour
Salt & Pepper
Onion Salt
Cayenne Pepper
Mustard Powder
100g Mung Beans
½ a Leak, sliced
1 Carrot, cut into batons
2 Potatoes, quartered with the skins on
1/3 of a small Swede, pealed and cubed
2 Shallots, pealed and halved
1 Stock cube
A Squirt of Tomato Puree
A Slug of Tomato Ketchup
2 Bay Leaves
Oil to fry


(1) Soak the Mung Beans in salted water for at least 3 hours.
(2) Mix the Salt & Pepper, Onion Salt, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, Basil, Coriander, Mustard Powder – into the Flour in a large bowl.
(3) Coat the Ox Heart in the seasoned flour and fry to brown slightly on all sides. Set aside.
(4) Dissolve the Stock in 1l of water.
(5) Drain and rinse the Muck Beans.
(6) Layer the Mung Beans, Vegetables and Heart in a casserole or slow cooker.
(7) Add the stock so that everything is submerged.
(8) Cook on a moderate heat for a good 4 hours in the oven or a slow cooker, stirring and adding water occasionally if it gets too thick.

Serve with Sage and Onion dumplings for a good “Hearty” meal (Sorry pun intended!). For a total cost of less than £2 we have enough Casserole for at least four good sized portions.


On Facebook

Susan Rimington is a long standing Chef with 30+ years of experience in hotel, restaurant and public house kitchens. Experience which became essential when due to no fault of our own we found ourselves homeless and living on Universal Credit.
Tony Carson is a Web Designer with 15+ years of experience and a passion for promoting the hospitality sector.
In 2017 after two disastrous contracts in a restaurant followed by a public house both with tied accommodation. We found ourselves in a homeless hostel with very few possessions and ever less money. As our situation worsened we found ways to feed ourselves on a very restricted budget which resulted in this collection of recipes. We hope you enjoy them and find them useful.
Eat Well on UC is a Not For Profit venture. Donated funds are only used to finance this Website and to purchase materials for food demonstrations. Any excess funds are donated to The Salvation Army to support their great work with the homeless.

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