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Gleaned Potatoes

Gleaned Potatoes

These spud were apparently intended for Crisps but the order was cancelled and the farmer kindly allow a local group access to the field to gather what they could before they were ploughed back in.

There are all sorts of varieties of Potatoes and the ones used for Crisps are intentionally very low in natural sugars. It’s the sugars which make Potatoes brown when to roast or fry them. Brown Crisps might not have the same aesthetic appeal I guess. So we roasted some on Sunday are they worked really well. Yesterday was a simple cooking day for us with roast Chicken, Chip, Peas and Gravy. So how did they work as Chips? Exceptionally well is the answer! If you are in the York area and have received some of these spuds – Roast and Chips are the way forward folks. 

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Cheesy Turkey Burger, recipe. Eat well on Universal Credit


Well you know everything is going up in price, so we need to adapt to fit our budget, like everybody else.

Turkey Breast mince is actually cheaper than the very fatty Beef / Pork mince weight for weight. BUT it's got a very low fat content. Generally this would be a bad gig for hand pressed Burgers. Dry and falling apart isn't really appealing.

Tip Time:-

Form your Burger around a bit of Cheese. We used Baby Bell as we had some left over in the fridge. A bit of Salt and Pepper in the Turkey mince helps as well.

As the Mince cooks the Cheese melts adding fat, flavour and a bit of Salt to the meat. You Burgers will 'hold' well (As in they don't break up) and taste really good.....


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